'Mehr Licht!'
Children of the darkness
Are you crying
So deep is your valley

I fall
for seven days
Still not seen any
Children of the darkness
Are you shaking
So light is your breath

I come across
four rivers
Still not heard any
Children of the darkness

I tell you something before we meet
I too
Have no wings

Up there
No greener trees

Chimera running
Blue feet, Roaring feast

Children of the darkness

They only count to six
One you see they grimace
Two they walk away, a pretence
Three a glance
Four a twist
Five a bounce
Six they come close

Children of the darkness

I'll find you before they greet

Tyr, Njörðr, Balðr, Höðr
Have waved their hands

One single leap

Blowing winds and billowy seas